Student Blogs

Fall Break Festivities

October 19th, 2014 aecase18

Happy Fall!

After a shuttle to Worcester’s Union Station, a train to Boston’s South Station, a bus to Logan Airport, and a flight to Philadelphia, I finally arrived home for my ten-day Fall Break. Upon arrival, I greeted my family, ate a sandwich, and went straight to bed. Five weeks of college were exhausting!

I’m currently en-route to Worcester on a Greyhound bus, a much less comfortable yet far more economical mode of transportation. Thankfully, I have some Plato to keep me occupied. A short piece by a well known Jesuit author comes to mind. Father James Martin, S.J. of America Magazine, a progressive Church figure who I’ve come to admire greatly, offered a bit of wisdom ( about being graceful and grateful while taking “the Dog.” (P.S. Follow Fr. Martin on Facebook and Twitter- his posts are frequent and oftentimes funny!)

As the New Jersey Turnpike rushes past my window, I’ll briefly highlight my favorite parts of break.

Seeing family

My brothers, parents, grandparents, and dog were all sorely missed. Sharing home cooked meals and spending time with them are some of life’s simple pleasures.

Visiting friends

My lovely friends from home hosted me at Swarthmore College, Saint Joseph’s University, the University of the Arts, and Temple University. It was great to explore the city and experience life on different campuses. Thank you for your hospitality, Philly friends who are reading!



The ultimate freedom. I’m unable to have a car on campus this year, so my time behind the wheel is limited to breaks. I drove through Valley Forge Park quite a few times to gaze at fall foliage and catch some beautiful sunsets.


Living close to the King of Prussia Mall (the biggest mall in the country) has its perks. I stocked up on boots and coats for the fast-approaching New England winter.

My break was relaxing and fun-filled, but I am definitely ready to be back on campus. I share a similar sentiment towards Holy Cross as my friend feels towards Swarthmore. She said this about her school: “It’s a great place. And it’s slowly becoming my favorite place.”

I couldn’t agree more.

One Response to “Fall Break Festivities”

  1. Gabriella Arostegui says:

    I love James Martin (thank you for the updates on the Synod and Blessed Paul VI information) and Philadelphia too, especially Society Hill!
    Thanks for a great blog!

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Amy Casey '18

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